Natural Parks

Natural reserve of Bandia, Senegal

By its great biodiversity, Senegal has many open spaces, parks and natural reserves and protected areas. Those in search of proximity to the african wildlife, will be able to make it to Biandia, to Niokolo Koba or Fathala to discover a fauna composed of giraffes, zebras, gazelles, monkeys, hippos... or even walk with lions or contemplate the momentum of Derby !

Senegal is also a sanctuary of bird breeding prized by birders around the world. The National Park of the Birds of Djoudj, 3rd bird sanctuary in the world, is the refuge each year, between November and April, approximately 3 million birds from Europe and Asia. 

It is also easy to imagine this same show in the Saloum Delta, which the banks, the sunrises and sunsets, echo of a thousand screams, caquètements, whistling, and singing melodious. Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site, and admitted to the very closed club of the “most beautiful bays in the world”, this maze of islands that criss-cross in canoes will allow you to discover the mangroves.

Our selection of national parks and reserves


Ranch Bandia

Reserve Fathala

National park of the langue de Barbarie

Ecoparc de Diembering

Reserve Nguerigne

Parc National des Iles de la Madeleine

Natural reserve of Popenguine

What to do?