Health and Safety
Senegal is a country that is politically stable, turned to tourism for several decades, which makes it an ideal safe and welcoming for all.
The borders with neighbouring countries require a certain degree of vigilance, including the borders with Mali and Mauritania.
Recommended vaccines
Hepatitis A
1 injection 15 days prior to departure, reminder 1 to 3 (5) years later. Children : from the age of 1 year.
Hepatitis B
For long stays or repeated : two injections one month apart, single reminder 6 months later. When the immunity must be rapidly acquired (in the case of imminent departure), a schema accelerated with three doses close to J0, J7, J 21 and a fourth dose 1 year later, can be used, only in the adult.
Meningococcal meningitis
In the event of a prolonged stay in close contact with the local population, or in times of epidemics : an injection of at least 10 days prior to departure.
Taking a preventive treatment is necessary : Chemoprophylaxis with Atovaquone/Proguanil or Doxycycline or Mefloquine ;
Use protections against mosquito bites. The accommodations are equipped with mosquito nets
Yellow fever
1 injection to be done a minimum of 10 days prior to departure. Children : from the age of 9 months (between 6 and 9 months, only in special circumstances).
A certificate of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter the country, travellers aged 9 months or more from countries where there is a risk of yellow fever transmission and for travellers having transited through an airport of a country where there is a risk of yellow fever transmission.
In the event of a prolonged stay, in a situation of isolation (children : as soon as they walk) : three injections at J0, J7, J28 (or 21) ;
In the event of a prolonged stay or in poor sanitary conditions (children : from the age of 2 years) : an injection 15 days prior to departure.