Explore the Senegal Oriental

The people Bedik, Kedougou

The Eastern Senegal for an Exile paradise

A nearly 8-hour drive from Dakar, you enter a world of raw beauty, is the ideal destination for lovers of adventure and experience the great outdoors. Africa is such that you can dream of : savannah, waterfalls, green mountains, dense forests, and especially of the peoples of atypical who live in harmony with nature and a unique opportunity to observe hippos along the Gambia river.

On site, the local guides will accompany you for hikes that allow you to admire the beautiful vistas and lead to the meeting of the Bassari and Bedik. Installed in villages of huts of stone and banco (mud bricks), they have maintained a traditional way of life, the heart of the mountains.

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The Famous Tourist Sites

Activities in Eastern Senegal


La découverte du Parc du niokolo koba

Classé au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Unesco, Le Parc National de Niokolo Koba est la plus grande réserve animalière d’Afrique de l’Ouest où l’on découvre 4 des Big Five (Eléphants, Lions, Léopards, Buffles) et la plus grande antilope du monde, l’élan de Derby.

Activities in Eastern Senegal


L’escalade à Bandafassi

La falaise de Bandafassi offre aux grimpeurs la possibilité d’exercer leur activité favorite : l’escalade ! Quel que soit votre niveau de pratique, le site vous procurera de multiples sensations.

Elle représente également un lieu idéal pour le trekking.

Activities in Eastern Senegal


Découverte de la Cascade de dindéfélo

La marche dans une ambiance de jungle aboutit sur la découverte de la cascade. Du sommet de la montagne, l’eau s’écrase sur les différents paliers jusqu’à atterrir sur le bassin. Une invitation à une baignade rafraîchissante dans une source aux vertus mystérieuses.

Activities in Eastern Senegal


The local specialties in Eastern Senegal

The local specialties in Eastern Senegal reflect the culinary diversity of the region. Enjoy dishes such as the thiéboudieune, chicken yassa, and the mafé, unveiling of authentic flavors.

Activities in Eastern Senegal

Art and Culture

The museums in Eastern Senegal

In Eastern Senegal, museums captivate by their cultural richness. Explore the Regional Museum of Kedougou, highlighting the local history, and the Museum of the Iron Fongolimbi, revealing the traditional arts and crafts.

Accommodation options

Flagship events

Dakka Medina Gounass

Festival of Ethnic Minorities (Bandafassi)

Initiation in the pays Bassari (Ethiolo & Oubadji)

Festival Pencum Niani (Koumpentoun)

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